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outdoors survival hermit

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File : 1317253280.jpg-(40 KB, 442x354, holecrab.jpg)
40 KB Living in a cave, need to stay warm. Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)19:41 No.3820284  
Up until about a year ago I was living in a hole in the ground about 8 feet in diameter and 5 feet deep. It was covered by a roof made from sticks duct taped together, with a tarp over that.

It was meager, but for reason I won't go into here I felt obligated to live that way and did so for many years until someone from /b/ was able to work out where the hole was from photographs I took. I was reported, confronted by a forest ranger and evicted from my hole.

While attempting to hitchhike and train hop cross country I came across a cave entrance, and have been camping inside it ever since. Initially just inside the opening, however the cave was eventually turned into a tourist attraction; Metal walkways through the cave network and a staircase up to the opening were constructed. I was discovered by the construction workers, I said I was spelunking, they told me to leave. In fact, I moved back in that night, but deeper in the cave. I avoided the main cavern like the plague and now live in a small offshoot that is not visible or reachable from the walkway.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)19:43 No.3820291
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Herein lies my problem; I get no sunlight, all of my electricity comes from three motorcycle sized ignition batteries I carry in my rucksack to recharge at a nearby campsite periodically. I have an electric blanket that will run for many hours from these batteries, but I also need them for other things, and making the trip to the campsite every two or three days to recharge is a pain in the ass and risks discovery. I can't run an extension cord to the cave for obvious reasons and I can't use anything like a generator because noise carries far in the cave and the fumes would kill me.

Is there any better way of storing/generating electricity that is silent and makes no fumes? I have a bunch of stuff shoplifted from camping stores that makes my life down here surprisingly tolerable, but if you could recommend any products I haven't thought of along those lines it would be much appreciated. Power storage is the biggie, though.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:47 No.3820317

>someone from /b/ was able to work out where the hole was from photographs I took.

Serves you right for posting on /b/. Also, why don't you just get welfare and live in an apartment or your car like a normal poorfag?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:50 No.3820324
I remember you. Weren't you living on some mountain in Pennsylvania?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:51 No.3820331
Don't live in a cave, problem solved. As for portable power, there are very quiet, small generators and in a large cave fumes should not be a problem.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:52 No.3820337
Rape a woman, the power of your penis shall provide you with unlimited energy!
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:52 No.3820343
Pretty difficult problem, OP.

Only thing I can think of off the top of my head is building a bicycle generator. Will continue considering, though.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:54 No.3820352
steal a solar panel from somewhere. Probably one on the ranger station.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)19:56 No.3820356

That's a good idea. Plenty of bicycles around here, and I could get an alternator from someone's car. That's where I was getting my batteries for a long time. (It even made news briefly.)

I'm pretty fit from living this way so cycling for a few hours to charge the batteries wouldn't be difficult. If there's some way that doesn't require me to be in the cave all day I'd prefer it though as I still need to go out and gather food literally every day in order to get enough calories in me.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:57 No.3820360

>steal a solar panel from somewhere. Probably one on the ranger station.

He's in a cave. There's no sunlight. Anywhere he puts the panel it will be spotted.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:57 No.3820361

>Solar panel
>In a cave

Unless you're suggesting he stick it outside, which means he needed a extension cord, or constant trips outside (both of which he said won't work)

Oh wait, both of those still mean you're a retard.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)19:57 No.3820362
Where do you go to use a computer?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:00 No.3820374

Sticking it outside with an extension cord is fine. If people see a cave they're gonna check it out. If they see a solar panel with an extension cord going in they might think they're not supposed to go in some still will though. Either way if they make it to the area they're gonna go in.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)20:01 No.3820382

>Where do you go to use a computer?

I have a cellphone. It's on a family plan. My family has no idea where I am, but I do send them texts every month or two to let them know I'm alive. It's complicated.

I also have a little netbook, and in one of the care packagaes anons were leaving for me after I started posting here, there was a little usb bluetooth thingie. I was able to figure out how to use that to get the netbook to talk to the phone to get online.

I have to go to the cave entrance to get reception, but I can do this fairly safely at night.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:03 No.3820392
OP is making this story up. Most likely he's living the storage shack in the backyard of his parent's house.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:03 No.3820394
How do you internet?
Do you hunt or scavenge for food?
Do you get laid?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:03 No.3820395

>I have an electric blanket that will run for many hours from these batteries

I doubt it. Electric blankets are serious power hogs. No way you get more than an hour or two on three starter batteries.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:03 No.3820398
Why are you doing this? I'm curious.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:04 No.3820401
Is it sunny outside right now?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:05 No.3820406
By jove the grand Hole Troll has returned? What a wonderful day this is! Please don't be so irregular with your postings at least update us every know and then, the old comrades at /r9k/ really felt as if we were had a good connection, we were all waiting for you to update us on your surroundings. I am sad to hear about the issues you had with your previous dwelling.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:05 No.3820409

>OP is making this story up. Most likely he's living the storage shack in the backyard of his parent's house.

I was here when he posted on /b/. He supplied pictures. Internet detectivery followed, and they were able to pinpoint his location. It was up on some mountain in Pennsylvania. He was stealing electricity from a radio transmitter station.

It would be less sad if he was living in the shack tbqh.
>> Marion Bartoli is my Waifu 09/28/11(Wed)20:08 No.3820419
I have fantasized about living like this for some reason.

OP, a person can only generate something like 40-70 watts, as I recall. (1 horsepower is over 700 watts.) That's enough to power a small computer, but it is work, like exercise-level work. So you'll be trying to inefficiently convert food into electricity through your body.

Not impossible, just sayin'. I don't really know what your energy requirements are. This could be practical.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)20:09 No.3820421

It's 12 volt, 25 watt. It gets warm, not hot, and by my esitmation ought to run about 12 hours on the batteries. It shuts off by itself after 10 hours to prevent fire or something, I only really need it on while I sleep anyway.


Hello friend. :) I tried to make it to the Vegas sewer system. I did. But I fail at train hopping. I was caught literally every time. And nobody wants to pick up a hitchhiker that looks like me.


I am not saying. This sort of thing is what resulted in being evicted from my old hole.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:10 No.3820427
I frequent about 5-6 boards regularly and /r9k/ seems to be mentioned a lot lately. I miss it. moot should bring it back but not mention it to /b/ this time.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:13 No.3820442
I wasn't sure how often you wanted to leave, I was sort of assuming you preferred being inside/not having to sneak past entrance. Makes it easier I guess if that isn't the case. Still sort of generally pondering.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)20:16 No.3820453

>How do you internet?

Cell phone.

>Do you hunt or scavenge for food?

Theft, I'm afraid. Although I planted some blackberry bushes near the cave entrance and those have been a welcome addition to my diet.
I never get tired of blackberries.

>Do you get laid?

Occasionally. I can't really cope with intimacy for very long. Someone who read my old thread came to visit me. Her name was Danielle. She camped out with me for a few weeks and then left. Gentlemen don't kiss and tell but she seemed pleasantly surprised with my appearance and we did become physically involved. I don't blame her for leaving, though. She had an otherwise normal life. The cynic in me believes she thought of me as a novelty, someone she could do with as she pleased since I'm at the bottom of the food chain and would never object to being used. But realistically I know she cared for me, but that my way of life is something she didn't want for herself in the long term and I wasn't going to demand that of her. I cared for her too, and really tried to connect with her the way I know romantic connections are supposed to work. I think I came closest with her. But I'm in this hole in part because of a girl who left me long ago, and that, along with general social dysfunction, prevented me from loving her the way I think she hoped I would.

Even so, if by some chance you're reading this, I still think about you Danielle. And those thoughts keep me as warm as you did. Sometimes I wake up and search with my arms for you only to remember moments later that you're not here. You meant something to me, and I'm sorry if I wasn't what you were looking for. The time we spent together meant a lot to me nonetheless.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:19 No.3820465
Well, this explains all the bigfoot sightings.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:20 No.3820469
I have a .22 rifle and some fishing gear I don't really use anymore. You can have it if you like to get fish and small game.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)20:21 No.3820480

I would love to have the gun, but the fishing gear is of no use to me. A small stream runs into the cave which is where I get drinking water, but nothing lives in it.


You joke, but I have been mistaken for sasquatch more than once.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:22 No.3820486

Do you go to different supermarkets to steal food? Do you ever get caught?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:22 No.3820491

No help on the electricity front (other than get more batteries) but here is something you should probably know. If you are white you need to be outside 20 minutes a day in sunlight to get enough UV for your skin to produce Vitamin D. Darker skinned persons need 60 to 120 minutes.

I suppose you can get D from multivitamins or food but I don't know the absorption efficacy. I would use some of my internets to research nutrition if I were you.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:25 No.3820502
They do have Vitamin D milk too. That was specifically made for black people.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:26 No.3820509
Don't be an idiot, he's clearly a serious criminal.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:28 No.3820519
Are you going to say why you do this? It might feel nice to get it off your chest, and I for one would be interested to know.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:28 No.3820521
I can imagine not wanting to tell why you choose to live this way OP, but DAMN did you make me curious. If you ever do feel like telling your story, please come and post it here :)
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)20:28 No.3820522

I steal food from the campsite, typically very late at night. There's a bulletin board at the entrance I get useful info from. For instance there was a notice of 'bears stealing food' that said they were installing motion detector cameras and alarms. I was able to find these within a few days of searching and avoid them from then on. Since then I've also begun taking only small amounts from larger numbers of campsites so they don't notice and report it. So far so good.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:29 No.3820528
Actually on second thought sorry but no. I know its just a 22 but no offense I really don't want the responsibility of putting any sort of weapon in your hand. Sorry if I got your hopes up.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:29 No.3820533

How can you survive like this if you refuse tools? Even if you don't need a fishing pole, shouldn't you still be like "dude I can't fish but i'm sure I could use the pole for something else". ?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:33 No.3820552
Life is not an rpg.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:34 No.3820562
You've never posted a picture with a time stamp.

As far as we know, you're a fake.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:35 No.3820567
Make sure you have torches or some other sort of light, so as to prevent monsters spawning inside your cave.

Also, try excavating a little. Chances are you'll find a cavern system and be able to find iron ore or redstone, and once you have those you can greatly improve your situation.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:36 No.3820571

Confirmed for troll.

Living in the wild = being fucking resourceful
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:37 No.3820580
>having an apartment or car
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)20:38 No.3820584

>Are you going to say why you do this? It might feel nice to get it off your chest, and I for one would be interested to know.

I had a pretty severe nervous breakdown several years ago. I was attending an out of state college, pursuing a degree in engineering. I was doing well, but social anxiety and the day to day stress of dealing with other people, on top of the workload, was killing me.

One particular incident more than the others led me to abandon a normal life. The RA in my dorm was one of those insufferably bubbly people who thought everyone should socialize, and made it mandatory. When word got around that I never left my room except to go to class, she came to my dorm and wouldn't leave, insisting that I come to a party she was organizing. I refused. She elected to throw the party in my dorm. I got back from class one day and my apartment was full of people dancing to thumping music. She pulled me inside and tried to dance with me. I huddled into one corner and tried to compress myself into it. I pretty much stayed there until the party was over. I think she realized something was wrong but hoped that if the party went on long enough I'd suddenly snap out of it. I tried, even, but could not budge. My eyes stayed tightly shut and wouldn't open. I felt like the whole room was moving, like a ship in a storm, and wanted to throw up. I stayed that way for about an hour after everyone left before I could get up and go to my room.

A few days later, after making modest preparations, I left civilization and never returned. I felt like a failure. I still do. It's why I chose a hole. I felt for a long time that I belonged in the hole. It was sort of a comfortable simulation of death. It was like being dead, so nobody had to deal with me. I could just stay in the hole until I expired and then they could fill it in. I no longer feel that way but have become so accustomed to living like this I don't think I can ever go back.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:38 No.3820585
Why are you living like this? Convicted pedophile?
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)20:39 No.3820594

>As far as we know, you're a fake.

Then let's just say I'm a normal dude looking for an alternative to batteries for storing power on a camping trip. I don't care either way as long as I get some good leads.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:40 No.3820599
Name of the RA? He/She should know what happened to you.
>> Sheikah !NKCqu160yw 09/28/11(Wed)20:41 No.3820602

Well, that sounds horrible. I do hope one day you feel confident enough to return to civilisation. It has lovely things like gaming.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)20:42 No.3820609

>Name of the RA? He/She should know what happened to you.

I don't want to lay that kind of guilt on her. She meant well. I would rather just not exist so far as everyone else is concerned. I am only really comfortable dealing with people through a barrier like the internet.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:44 No.3820622


Actually OP games have been pretty shit for the past year. You could probably play all the decent games there are just on your netbook. I'm not sure how much data quota you have on your phone though, so downloading could be an issue.

On a smaller note, how fast flowing is the stream you mentioned that flows in your cave? Could you use it somehow to power a small paddlewheel to generate electricity? Obviously it would be very small, but it might be enough to keep your batteries topped up.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:44 No.3820624
How far have you traveled?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:45 No.3820632
OP I've been considering doing something similar for a long time but I know first hand how it feels for someone you love to go missing. It's terrible, and I'd never put anyone through what I went through. How much exactly does your family know about your situation?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:46 No.3820638
I suggest planting some potatoes near the entrance to your cave. They grow very readily and require nothing more than plenty of water and a bit of sunlight. I've grown my own for some years now. A few shoots of garlic might improve things a bit too.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:50 No.3820658
Cool of you to post your story OP. I sympathize. I had a pretty bad mental breakdown myself at one point in my life, and it's probably not a coincidence that I on seeing this thread my first reaction was "not such a terrible idea."

Ten years ago, I spent about 14 weeks in a psychiatric facility, and while I now have the appearance of a semi-functioning life, people still underestimate how little social or family contact I have, and how much I feel like I failed the expectations everyone had of me.

I hope you continue to make this work for you.

Still trying to come up with a better idea than bicycle generator. Also seconding >>3820622's question about the flow of your little stream.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:51 No.3820664

Bro I would not say failure at all, I tried doing what you did before, I lasted a fucking week.

What your doing is pretty fucking hardcore.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)20:54 No.3820681

>How much exactly does your family know about your situation?

I text them every month with a short note to the effect that I am alive, doing well, and don't want them to worry.

>I suggest planting some potatoes near the entrance to your cave.

I thought of this, but non-native plants would arouse suspicion. Even if it doesn't look like a garden, potatos, blackberries and other foodstuffs growing together at the cave mouth or near it would be suspicious any way you look at it. I don't want to keep stealing though, so I may consider it.


For a long time I had no idea where I was except for the name of the campground. It eventually occurred to me to use google maps to figure out where I was in relation to the old hole. I went just under 200 miles, most of that thanks to a trucker I hitched a ride with. The only person who was willing to pick me up. I don't blame 'em, I look terrible.

>You could probably play all the decent games there are just on your netbook. I'm not sure how much data quota you have on your phone though, so downloading could be an issue.

I thought of this. I have been downloading very old games from before windows even came out. They are small, so they download quickly even over 2g, and many of them are very engrossing. They make for a good way to pass the time, although I spend much more time reading than on the computer.

>Could you use it somehow to power a small paddlewheel to generate electricity?

This is a promising idea, although I need to secure an alternator, which would be risky.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:55 No.3820685

Wait but how were you using the internet before they sent the blue tooth thingy? Surely you would need the internet before that, to chat to anons to get the bluetooth to get the internet?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:56 No.3820691

Cell phones have internet, silly!
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)20:58 No.3820699
Do you have a blog or somewhere we could track your day to day activity?

Also why not steal a tent and live in that? Then solar power also becomes an option and so do growing potatoes
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:00 No.3820708

Mine is an old piece of shit, can't get on the net by itself, but I can connect through it via bluetooth.

Before this when I lived in the old hole I'd visit town and use wifi at mcdonalds or something. That's where I plugged in my batteries, hidden in my backpack. I stayed as long as they would let me, which aroused no suspicion as this is apparently something that vagrants commonly do.
>> Ad 08/05/11(Fri)03:00 No.19151774
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>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:00 No.3820711

>Also why not steal a tent and live in that?

Not OP, but that would be far too visible and attract unwanted attention.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:02 No.3820723

>Do you have a blog or somewhere we could track your day to day activity?

No. I don't want anything like that for a number of reasons.

>Also why not steal a tent and live in that? Then solar power also becomes an option and so do growing potatoes

I have a tent. I can't use it on the surface because the cave is very near a campground. They make the rounds weekly to ensure nobody stays longer than the maximum allowed, as it's a state owned camping site.

I did take a solar panel from a roadside speed trap, but I think I broke it in the process of getting it loose. I can't be sure, I don't have a voltmeter to test it.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:05 No.3820737
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If you have zinc and magnesium rods (or zinc and carbon) you can stick them into the dirt like this, and generate useful amounts of electricity from the microbial action in the soil.

This only works for a few months before the soil is depleted. It will take many weeks to recover. This can be accelerated by fertilizing the soil with organic waste.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:06 No.3820740

Use the tent somewhere else, I've camped for months in various fields no one seems to give a fuck
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:07 No.3820742
OP please get someone to make a book about your escapades if you ever rejoin society.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:07 No.3820744

I'm pretty sure it's the metal that gets consumed there. The soil just works as an electrolytic medium.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:07 No.3820747

.....This really works? Even a small amount of current would help keep the batteries charged.

I don't know where I'd get rods made of those metals though.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:08 No.3820755

>Use the tent somewhere else, I've camped for months in various fields no one seems to give a fuck

OP seems crazy in a specific way that prevents him from living where people can see him. I don't think he'd voluntarily live in a field.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:10 No.3820760
Steal a solar panel charger that stores energy and can have usb things plugged into it.

In the day set it up on top of a tree or something, collect at night.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:10 No.3820765

That's true, but the reason the reaction continues for so long is because the bacterial activity in the soil continues to maintain the ph of the soil, although eventually they lose that fight and die off, which is why you need to move the rods to a new site every half year or so. The metal rods do eventually get consumed but are good for many uses in many different spots before that point.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:11 No.3820766

Galvanized nails (or better yet, zinc coated) for the zinc, and copper nails for the copper. You'd probably need quite a few of them, like a box of nails, and of course you'd need thin, flexible wire.

Also I'm almost 100% sure that the metal would gradually be consumed. Still, I could be wrong about this, so have a look what you can find on the internet about it.

I still think you'd be better off getting hold of some sort of hand or bike generator.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:14 No.3820778

Oh, in that case you seem to know quite a bit about this. OP, it looks like this may even work! If you do decided to try it, ONLY use it to charge the motorcycle batteries. Feeding it directly to the phone or netbook would be very risky due to the unregulated voltage.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:15 No.3820784
Have you considered learning how to survive without stealing and moving to less populated areas where you don't have to hide? I imagine there are plenty of regions like that in the Appalachians, and most certainly out west.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:16 No.3820798

I will try this. I have a roll of copper wire from setting up the batteries. There are always construction crews coming in and out working on stuff like new outhouses, I get some good stuff from their trucks, I imagine nails will be in there. I'm GISing for copper and zinc coated nails now so I know what to look for.


This seems plausible. I can connect the solar panel to one of my batteries and leave that setup in a tree for a few days. I have no way of testing the battery afterward to see if it has been charged any, though. I've been on the lookout for a voltmeter but the construction guys never have one. I suppose eventually an electrician will stop by and he'll have one. I'll keep my eyes peeled.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:17 No.3820799
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Posting to back up your statement that the metal would be affected, however, it would be fairly minor.

The real problem here is that it would take quite a long time to recharge any battery this way. Also you have to luck out a bit with regards to the ph content of the soil in the first place.

You could always make a lemon or potato battery the same way.

Or you could just take my captcha's suggestion and get $50K
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:20 No.3820818

As far as zinc goes any piece of galavanized metal will do - it's that stuff that looks like it has big geometric crystals on the surface. You want large surface area, so a sheet would be good. Same deal with copper, but I'm not sure if copper sheets are easy to come by.

Bear in mind that I've never actually done this, but it makes sense that it might work. Could be fun to try at least.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:20 No.3820819

>Have you considered learning how to survive without stealing

You try it. It's much harder than you imagine. When you get really hungry, you become willing to do that sort of thing to make the hunger stop. I've planted berry bushes so I don't have to take as much to survive, but there's only so much I can gather on my own, and a person needs an awful lot of calories daily to avoid wasting.

>If you do decided to try it, ONLY use it to charge the motorcycle batteries. Feeding it directly to the phone or netbook would be very risky due to the unregulated voltage.

Yes, I'll take this to heart. I still need some way to measure voltage, but it sounds like this will slowly charge the batteries and can't damage them so there's no real reason not to try it.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:21 No.3820829
I envy your knowledge of finding power sources and being able to maintain/adapt them to suit your electronic needs while living essentially in the wilderness.

How did you learn to do that shit? Or am I simply assuming what you're doing is more difficult that it actually is?

You said you were going to school to be an engineer. The reason I ask is I may be going back to school and I want to go for something that would be useful even if I wound up being homeless or extremely poor.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:23 No.3820842
So, the story about this guy is he's afraid of physical social interaction? Is there a word for that?
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:24 No.3820847

>How did you learn to do that shit?
>You said you were going to school to be an engineer

That's how. I coped with living out here the same way I coped with life before, breaking big problems into a series of steps I needed to take to get to where I wanted to be and then focusing on completing one step at a time. My first few weeks were miserable but by focusing on needs first, then wants, I slowly re-established most of the comforts I took for granted before, and then before I knew it I was living relatively comfortably. I think this is probably what humans do no matter where you drop them.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:26 No.3820862
Here we go: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_battery

This illustrates the problem with the method we're talking about. I doubt the ground is more acidic than a lemon.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:26 No.3820865

I'm not the one who wants to get away from society. It was just a suggestion to avoid the hiding problem. You are obviously learning some survival skills with the bushes. I was just suggesting you try more and more things like that so you can move to a region that isn't populated. People did it in the past, you can too.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:27 No.3820868
OP how do you deal with being ill?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:29 No.3820874

>I doubt the ground is more acidic than a lemon.

True. However it is much larger. By planting lots and lots of pairs of zinc/copper/magnesium/carbon rods, they eventually add up to a useful voltage.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:37 No.3820921

>OP how do you deal with being ill?

I try to diagnose it online, and self-treat. For the most part I can't, so I treat the symptoms. Aspirin for pain, etc. One time I got a rash that spread over my entire body. It was agonizing, my skin was patchy red and enflamed everywhere, all I could do was sleep as much as possible. Eventually it went away. Another time I started feeling cold and dizzy constantly. I used a hairdryer to heat up my sleeping bag but still felt cold, like my insides were cold and nothing could warm me up. That was worse than the rash. Eventually that went away too. Nothing serious since then.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:38 No.3820931
what would happen if you needed a dentist badly?
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:41 No.3820950

>what would happen if you needed a dentist badly?

I dunno. My teeth are pretty healthy. I guess I'd just use some of the wire to tie around the base of the tooth and yank it out. No biggie, I've had to do much worse.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:42 No.3820957
OP I have wanted to do what you do for years. Any tips? where do you sleep? Any intense homeless people encounters?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:42 No.3820958
Dude, OP,

You should check this website and its forum out. They have people who are interested in strange lifestyles. Only a few of them are as hardcore as you, but you might learn something.


It would be great if you joined the forum and kept a Journal thread. People there would respect you and gladly help you with your day-to-day problems.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:42 No.3820959
Why do you stay away from society? Its a wondrous thing, even if you stay in your basement. You can order things offline and work from home.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:44 No.3820972
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You sound like a real iron-willed guy who just got the shit end of luck when it came to social functionality. It's too bad that we don't have a lot of people like you, and even worse that those people are the ones having kids, getting rich, beloved, etc. You ask me, being able to live in a cave is all about accepting yourself and trying to improve who you are as a person. That takes guts.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:45 No.3820981
One lemon battery produces .00027 watts. It would take 5000 lemons to power a flashlight. So theoretically the ground planted wire would take more.

I think a better approach would be for us to figure out how to refine the idea that makes it work in the first place, by maximizing the surface area of the metals exposed to the acid.

OP: Right now I'm thinking a shallow tub with lemon juice and spooled copper wire on one side, galvanized nails in the other. The copper wire on one side could connect directly to a battery; on the other side, you connect a wire to each nail, twist the wires together, and connect the result to the other pole. How does that sound so far?
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:46 No.3820987

>OP I have wanted to do what you do for years. Any tips? where do you sleep? Any intense homeless people encounters?

I sleep a couple hundred feet into a cave network, in a very small cavern offshoot just large enough for my tent. I have never met any other homeless, but once I did hear two people who left the main tour fucking in another small cavern near mine. Like I said, sound carries down here. I also found a homeless person's makeshift shelter while foraging once. very sturdy design, structure made from thick branch segments lashed together with a tarp over it, secured with tent stakes. I almost wanted to leave a note complimenting it. The owner was nowhere to be found, and when I went back a week or so later the shelter was gone. I assume the forest rangers found the shelter and tore it down, which is what typically happens and part of why I live in the cave.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:48 No.3821000
I'm pretty sure drinking from a cave stream isn't sanitary. I wouldn't be surprised if that's how you got sick.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)21:50 No.3821014

I don't drink directly from the stream. I made a filter using a 2 litre soda bottle with the bottom cut off. I hung it upside down and put in alternating layers of pebbles and sand. By collecting water in my thermos cup and pouring it in the top, then leaving it underneath, the water slowly goes through and comes out the bottom much cleaner. I had to run water through it a bunch of times after making it to rinse it out but it has worked fine ever since. I learned how to do this in boy scouts.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:52 No.3821025
>boy scouts
You'll be fine
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)21:56 No.3821052

Running, clear water is better than most, and you can always boil it.

They key is not to drink stagnant water.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:01 No.3821083
OP beats Bear Grilis (or however you spell his last name).
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:02 No.3821095
OP if you want recommendations for old games for entertainment, I recommend Nethack RPG. Best roguelike ever invented, permadeath, tough to beat.



If you're for real, from what you've posted it sounds like you have some sort of assburgers/autism spectrum condition. I'm not having a go at you, It's just that your reactions to the social assholes sounds like something I would do.

I'm too hedonistic and soft to drop out of society, but then again I live in a house with lots of privacy.

You aren't alone OP.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:02 No.3821096
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>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:02 No.3821098

>Running, clear water is better than most, and you can always boil it.

I can't boil water. I actually have a bunch of these coleman propane canisters, but nothing to plug them into. People leave them out with the lamp attachment, I guess to keep animals away or provide light to see by if they need to make bathroom trips? Anyway, I took a couple but stopped when I realized I had no way to use them. If I had one of those travel stoves I could use these to cook. I'd use them for heat but the electric blanket is more than enough, I'd rather save these canisters in case eventually I can get ahold of a portable stove to use them with.

One time, best day of my life, I found a pallette of camping rations that fell off a truck. Laying right there in the ditch, banged up but otherwise okay. Once I got all the plastic wrap off and figured out what they were I was elated. You have no idea how wonderful a find that is for someone in my position.

I had already eaten a couple of them cold before I figured out that by pulling a string on the case, you could trigger a chemical reaction that caused the food to cook right in the package. You should've seen my face. It was like Christmas. A month's worth of hot meals, no fire needed. It's been cold food since then, but someday when I can get that stove I'll eat hot food for every meal.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:03 No.3821104

Agreed. Grylls always aims for escape. You have to be a badass to actually stay there.
>> tinycat !!qoWPGZQ4oQc 09/28/11(Wed)22:04 No.3821111
Why can't you boil water? Making fire is not that hard, do you lack something to boil it in?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:05 No.3821117
I really want a bear to attack OP, but not kill him just so he can post his story...
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:07 No.3821122

>Why can't you boil water? Making fire is not that hard, do you lack something to boil it in?

I tried a few times the first day I moved in. In an enclosed space, a fire is very dangerous. I became dizzy and luckily was able to realize what was wrong and put out the fire before I died from inhalation. I could make a fire in the main cavern but if I forgot to clean up afterward every time I'm concerned the remains of it would be seen by a tourguide or something. All it would take is one bit of evidence someone's living in the caves for them to arrange a search.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:09 No.3821129

>I really want a bear to attack OP, but not kill him just so he can post his story...

There's a bear cub who occasionally stops by to eat the blackberries. I've tried to get close but he's skittish. I'm worried his mother's nearby but I've never seen her. It's possible he's orphaned. Even with food in hand I can't get close to him.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:12 No.3821150
just run him down and make him your pet

imagine it

someone finds you

goes to evict you
you sick your bear on them
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:13 No.3821154

Many water sources can have parasites or bacteria in them. These are not removed by filtering, so boiling the water wound be safest.

I'd suggest getting some books. Field guides and books on survival. Learn now to make traps and snares and all those other useful things if you don't already know them. You should also consider getting a book on the local flora and fauna so that you know what you can and can't eat, what's dangerous, ect. In general though, even with a guide it's best not to eat random plants unless you're ABSOLUTELY SURE, since lots of them have poisonous lookalikes and it's easy to mistake them.

As for your power problems - scout out local streams. It may be possible for you to build your own DIY hydroelectric generator. The stream turns the paddles, the paddles turn the alternator, the alternator charges the batteries. It works pretty much the same way as the bicycle generator, except that the stream is going the work instead of you. It you can't find a good place, consider making one yourself. Re-routing some water through a pipe or narrow channel, down a steep incline, can provide more power than the open stream.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:13 No.3821156
ok, do they got other electricity in the cave? like lights for the tourist walkways? if so cant you connect a cord to that and drag it into your cave? i doubt a black cord would be easily spotted in a dark cave,
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:13 No.3821160

>you sick your bear on them

Haha! To be honest, I mainly want the companionship. Humans I can't handle, but I love animals.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:15 No.3821172

>ok, do they got other electricity in the cave? like lights for the tourist walkways? if so cant you connect a cord to that and drag it into your cave? i doubt a black cord would be easily spotted in a dark cave,

I wonder. They have a suggestion/complaint box at the front office. If I fill it with requests to add lighting to the walkway, they might do it. Then I could tap into that for power. It would take a while, but I have no shortage of time on my hands.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:16 No.3821176

found any lizards?

at my place there's a resident blue-tongue. On hot summer days he sort of waddles out of a crack in the masonry and lies there on the pavement soaking up heat like a boss.

they're very cute.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:17 No.3821183

>As for your power problems - scout out local streams. It may be possible for you to build your own DIY hydroelectric generator. The stream turns the paddles, the paddles turn the alternator, the alternator charges the batteries.

The problem with this is that it still requires me to ferry the batteries back and forth for charging. There are outdoor utility outlets for campers that I currently use, it would be no more convenient than charging from those.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:20 No.3821217
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exactly, and since they will most likely hire a contractor for the installation, the guides or whatever most likely wont pay attention to what cables should or shouldn't be there, as long as you dont make a complete gypsy job of it, make it look professional and and try to mask the cable as much as possible. with this you would have almost unlimited (not really, but more then you would need) down there, you could probably even lug a small tv and a dvd down there

may i ask you to explain why you've chosen to live like this? I'm curious
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:22 No.3821234

>may i ask you to explain why you've chosen to live like this? I'm curious

See: >>3820584
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:23 No.3821238

Well, have you considered finding a new campsite? It seems like the cave is less than ideal. I'm sure if you look you can find a good isolated place where nobody will go. Then you can fish and cook and plant a garden and do whatever else you want in peace. You could scout on Google maps and local travel guides for a good spot.

Also, you should think about getting (stealing?) a bike. It's the fastest form of human-powered transportation. It would allow you to live further from town and give you a wider range if you got evicted or wanted to travel somewhere else. You also wouldn't have to worry about hitching rides.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:23 No.3821240

ah, thank you
>> Sheikah !NKCqu160yw 09/28/11(Wed)22:24 No.3821245
Do you shave, or have any soap for hygiene's sake? That's fairly important, so I assume so.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:27 No.3821257

>Well, have you considered finding a new campsite? It seems like the cave is less than ideal. I'm sure if you look you can find a good isolated place where nobody will go. Then you can fish and cook and plant a garden and do whatever else you want in peace. You could scout on Google maps and local travel guides for a good spot.

If it's on a travel guide, people will go there. I doubt I can find an as yet undiscovered cave network. Better to learn to live in this one as I will face the same issues in any other.

>Also, you should think about getting (stealing?) a bike. It's the fastest form of human-powered transportation. It would allow you to live further from town and give you a wider range if you got evicted or wanted to travel somewhere else. You also wouldn't have to worry about hitching rides.

That's going a bit far. Besides, the terrain around here isn't suitable for bikes. They're only really usable on the trail, and on the roads through the campsite, and I don't go there.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:28 No.3821262
To add on to this, if you do choose to move somewhere else, you should pick a spot that doesn't have a very harsh winter as that can make living a real challenge.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:29 No.3821266

>Do you shave, or have any soap for hygiene's sake? That's fairly important, so I assume so.

Yes, I have a bunch of travel soaps and a bottle of shampoo I use sparingly. My hair is clean but hopelessly tangled. I dare not cut it as it keeps my head/face warm during winter nights.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:29 No.3821267

i second this, if you used the steal power from a radio tower the first time, what says you can't do it again, just go to some place way of were someone never ever goes, and you could hide that extension cord real good. i think most radiomasts/antennas have like a small trailer or whatever for equipment, if you could get into one, you could simply put the cord in a socket and drag it trough the woods waaaaay off

Or are you not self sustained enough that you need to rely on modern society for food etc?, also you should probably learn how to lock pick
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:32 No.3821282

I did head south, but not very far. However living in this small cavern makes it easy to stay warm. The entrance isn't even quite three feet across. I can 'plug' it with my backpack and some towels to keep the heat in. Even during the winter, the radiant heat from the blanket in that enclosed space keeps me very comfortable. On occasion I also fire up one of the lanterns although I try not to since I am still holding out hope to find a camping stove so I can have hot meals regularly.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:34 No.3821286

whatever you do, dont move to the Mojave, that desert will make you wish for nuclear winter
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:36 No.3821297
>One particular incident more than the others led me to abandon a normal life. The RA in my dorm was one of those insufferably bubbly people who thought everyone should socialize, and made it mandatory. When word got around that I never left my room except to go to class, she came to my dorm and wouldn't leave, insisting that I come to a party she was organizing. I refused. She elected to throw the party in my dorm. I got back from class one day and my apartment was full of people dancing to thumping music. She pulled me inside and tried to dance with me. I huddled into one corner and tried to compress myself into it. I pretty much stayed there until the party was over. I think she realized something was wrong but hoped that if the party went on long enough I'd suddenly snap out of it. I tried, even, but could not budge. My eyes stayed tightly shut and wouldn't open. I felt like the whole room was moving, like a ship in a storm, and wanted to throw up. I stayed that way for about an hour after everyone left before I could get up and go to my room.
Go kill yourself, seriously!
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:39 No.3821309
Op, you seem like a pretty cool guy, I wish the best of your endeavors and that you may become self-supporting into the latter-half of your life. Good luck man.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:39 No.3821310
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:41 No.3821320
Hey OP, how did you end up in this situation in the first place?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:43 No.3821331
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:44 No.3821339
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:48 No.3821356
OP, you should train to fully leave the dependency of society and live completely independently; this would, however, seem cliche to into the wild.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:52 No.3821376
Wow. This is really freaky.
I'm an engineering student, have almost crippling social anxiety and have actually frequently considered just finding some cave somewhere in the woods and living there.

It's like reading about your almost identical twin.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)22:53 No.3821379

Same hole troll that once took a picture of his hole a couple years back and had been posting off of a netbook? If I remember the thread correctly.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)22:57 No.3821396

>Same hole troll that once took a picture of his hole a couple years back and had been posting off of a netbook? If I remember the thread correctly.

The same. Do you happen to know which of you sent the care packages? I wish to thank him or her.


Perhaps it is more common than most think. I hope you fare better than I have.


It would be many times more difficult to survive without any outside goods. I see no reason not to use them so long as I take only what I need. They're there, I may as well, I would likely starve otherwise.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:00 No.3821410
Taking appropriate measures to avoid starvation in an extreme situation I thought was implied; just bring a few pounds of rice after studying vast amount of survival techniques for the area you want to live in( I heard Montana or Wyoming is nice.)
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:07 No.3821450

Unfortunately, I don't. I remember going through the thread on /r9k/. You really should consider a blog. Maybe a simple one you update once a month or something, just to let us channers know you haven't died or anything.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)23:08 No.3821456

How would I cook the rice?

I know you mean well but as I found out for myself within the first month of living in the old hole, it's harder to do than it seems in your thought experiments. You can imagine you've prepared adequately but when the realities of cold and hunger and fatigue and bugs set in, you quickly figure out that you need as much help as you can get, help in this case being the occasional stolen granola bar or car battery or flashlight bulb. Things go wrong you didn't account for, something breaks that you can't fix and must instead replace, suddenly you're forced to seek out civilization or at least a campsite again in order to sustain the equipment you need to maintain a basic level of comfort.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:11 No.3821466
OP, you know you can't live the way you're living now forever. What would you do if you get sick or old?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:12 No.3821472
he's ok with dying.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:13 No.3821474
>implying you aren't going to get old
>implying you, me, and OP aren't all going to die anyway
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)23:13 No.3821475

>OP, you know you can't live the way you're living now forever. What would you do if you get sick or old?

I have gotten sick. Eventually I got better. When I get too old to support myself, I will die, and I will no longer have to worry about gathering food or keeping myself warm. That will be a tremendous relief.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:14 No.3821478
Being contempt with dying doesn't justify stupidity in the form of putting yourself in a life threatening situation with no knowledge on surviving.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:14 No.3821484
You mentioned you read a lot. What books are your favorites?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:15 No.3821486

You're always going to be dependent on civilization to some degree, but there's no reason that you can't minimize it. Supply your own power, water, shelter, and as much food as possible. For example, if you had a small garden supplemented by fish, small game, and cheap staple foods in bulk from town you could really reduce your food costs. Then all you have to worry about are the miscellaneous non-essential comfort items that you can get at your leisure.

You could try panhandling or blogging or something to get some cash, too. With careful management, a little money can go a long way.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:15 No.3821490

>Being contempt with dying

I believe you mean 'content'. Contempt means hatred.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:16 No.3821495
Everything dies, anon. How you live is what matters. Working tirelessly simply to keep yourself alive and actively seeing the fruits of your labor seems like a pretty decent, authentic life. At least it seems that way to me.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:17 No.3821504
My bad, I'm a bit tired. Nevertheless my point stands.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)23:18 No.3821510
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This book. It was in one of the care packages. It's a bizarre story, but I like to imagine it's true, as it makes me feel better about living in these caves. Like it's someplace mystical and interesting.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:19 No.3821518
I would send you a book, but you can't reveal your location. Any suggestions on ways to get you stuff?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:19 No.3821519

hello sir, i hope you find somewhere warm and comfortable for the rest of the autumn.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:21 No.3821536
I'd probably send you a Mosin-Nagant. Got a crate load of these things.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)23:22 No.3821541

>I would send you a book, but you can't reveal your location. Any suggestions on ways to get you stuff?

The camp is set up to receive mail. I have a set of 'normal clothes' with which I can pass as a camper. I might consider giving out the mailing address of the front office. My concern is that someone would simply notify them that there's a guy living in the caves, and then I'm back to square one again.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:23 No.3821550
Just curious, what state are you in right now?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:24 No.3821553
You should seriously think about moving somewhere more recluse and just coming back for supplies once every few months.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:25 No.3821562
Sounds kinda risky.
Especially considering what happened last time.
I mean, we're not /b/, but still...
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:25 No.3821565
If I were you I wouldn't risk it. Saying what camp you're at gives away everything. If you could get like a P.O. Box arrangement or anything you would be golden...
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:25 No.3821568

Yes, this.

With a bike you could easily live 20-30 miles from town and be able to make day trips. If you stocked up you could probably wait a few weeks between visits.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:27 No.3821573
You're a fucking boss. Is there anything you need that I could provide?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:28 No.3821575
OP I live in the area and I'm planning on ragequitting life soon.

Any chance we could team up? We could teach each other some things, I could show you some cons and lockpicking. If we don't like each other we can part ways.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:30 No.3821587
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>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:30 No.3821589
Also I have a dog I won't be able to take care of by myself when I do leave, he's an American Husky.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:34 No.3821607
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Haha, the adventures of Hole Troll and Huscibro. That'd make an awesome fucking movie.

On another note hey Hole Troll! Alot of us old brobots miss you, most of us found a new home at a smaller chan, but we'd love for you to come by sometime and update us. You always come up in the old r9k nostalgia threads, we miss you! Link in the pic if you ever decide to visit.

Also did you take Horatio your pet raccoon with you?
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:38 No.3821622
Hey Hole Troll, just an FYI, /r9k/ was recreated on a different chan (along with /new/) after they got deleted. They're slower, but have the same communities as the old board, everyone flocked to them as a replacement of the lost boards.

Just google r9k and you'll see it. There's a thread about you right now.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:40 No.3821632
I tried something (not nearly this gung-ho) although I can recommend NOT sleeping in cars and definitely NOT drinking alcohol. Stay away from public places and roads. Also no lights or obvious activity at night to attract attention from Law Enforcement.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:40 No.3821635
I didn't flock there. And I was a brobot.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:42 No.3821639
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Obviously not a true one if you didn't rejoin your bretheren.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)23:44 No.3821645

>Also did you take Horatio your pet raccoon with you?

He died. Hit by a car while following me on the trip. I'd rather not discuss that any further.

I miss him. I still feel loneliness. That's the stupidest thing. I crave company but can't stand human contact. Like a moth and a flame. Horatio was dumb but chill, and would sit there with his granola bar chomping away as I would talk to him about where I would be in life right now if not for the hole, and it was as good as having a person listen.

I buried him as formally as I could with what I had. The grave is lined with small rocks. I wrapped him in toilet paper and duct tape to prevent him from decomposing too fast. I guess I didn't want the worms to get him without a fight. I buried him with a granola bar so he has something to eat on the other side.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:46 No.3821652
Hole Troll, have you ever tried sucking your own dick?

I mean it, honestly. Literally nothing will happen if you tell, I just wanna know.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:48 No.3821658
I fucking love you dood
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:48 No.3821659
Oh my god are you serious? I'm so sorry, I loved the idea of a man and his raccoon companion ever since I was a kid and would feed the racoon family that lived outside my house. R.I.P Horatio.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:48 No.3821662
Have you considered moving out somewhere else? Like somewhere with a little bit more privacy and not a state owned campsite?
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/28/11(Wed)23:49 No.3821665

I mean the actual accident. I was somewhat to blame. I thought having him next to me would make people more likely to stop. People love cute animals, right? I do. I didn't think it through. I was halfway across the road when this ugly angular yellow SUV looking piece of shit comes around the corner at us fast. I ran to the other side. Horatio panicked and darted back and forth like he couldn't decide where to run. Then he froze in place like he just gave up and it creamed him.

I went back to the hole that night. I didn't feel like going anywhere, and I had to bury my friend.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:50 No.3821671
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:52 No.3821680
Eat a dick.

Same thing happened with my cat.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:52 No.3821683
>bury friend
>friend is smeared along the road

ummm... I'd have gone with a cremation
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:53 No.3821690

>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:54 No.3821691

It's only the actual name that's autobanned on here.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:54 No.3821692
why don't you just use a thick blanket?
fuck that high tech shit
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:56 No.3821698
Also I've found a ghost town I've been looking into. I'm likely to be going there and living wastelander style.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:56 No.3821702
I would like this thread archived
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:58 No.3821713

he's not a luddite, fuckpants.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:58 No.3821717
Oh, I didn't know about that link.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:59 No.3821723
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:59 No.3821724
You are a bad person and you should feel bad.
>> Anonymous 09/28/11(Wed)23:59 No.3821726
Does anyone have any links to any of the past threads?
I'm sure they were archived.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:00 No.3821733
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:01 No.3821739

this post is shit and you should feel shit
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:02 No.3821744
Just google them, they're on chanarchive.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:02 No.3821747
"hurr durr i know what a luddite is and wanted an excuse to show off my awesome knowledge of shit nobody cares about"
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:02 No.3821748
Archive this and someone make a Hole Troll Saga for him, since he has mentioned he won't do a journal type thing.

Also OP - would you be open to having someone you regularly communicate with via email or whatever else you want?

If so, I readily volunteer, despite being a continent away, in the ass end of Europe.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:05 No.3821765
Coat the cave walls with bioluminescent fungi or bacteria. They'll need moisture so you should piss on the walls for light.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:07 No.3821771
I also volunteer
living much closer in WV
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:11 No.3821787
He's one isn't he...
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:11 No.3821790
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:12 No.3821796

>*gone not one.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:14 No.3821809
He's posting off a 2G connection off his phone from inside a cave, it might take a bit for his posts to get through, hopefully he's still here, after all he still hasn't completley solved his electricity problem.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:16 No.3821821
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>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:16 No.3821826
Stop being a dick.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:17 No.3821827
build a sterling engine out of junk and power it a camp fire

hook output to an electric motor

problem solved
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:17 No.3821829

What the RA did to you is not your fault. She was wrong, she deserves the guilt she would feel if she knew what you chose to do after that incident.

You do not deserve what has happened to you. You do not need to hate yourself. You are worthy. You do belong.

Please go back to your family.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:19 No.3821838

I don't know if OP can, but we could easily make a chat room for him, for when he's feeling lonely to have someone to talk to live instead of on the forum.

He says he feels alone, yet apparently this is the first time he resurfaced here in a long time, despite people actually being eager to communicate with him, and fascinated by his life.

I'm close to calling bullshit, if the story wasn't in a way intriguing (if I saw it in a movie it would be boring, the novelty is that it's happening here. But then again few movies have the balls to tackle severe social anxiety, or social phobia, in a way that isn't smarmy)
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:20 No.3821847
I've had fantasies of doing something like this. Maybe I will when my immediate family passes on, I couldn't bare to make them go through the suffering of losing their only son and grandson.

I'm also an engineering student with social anxiety. What the actual fuck.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:21 No.3821850



>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:23 No.3821861
What I don't understand is OP's need to isolate himself completely.

I understand the Hole thing is a form of self punishment, but he said he kind of got over that.

Why not just choose to close yourself off from society, while still living in it. We live in modern times, where you can work from home, have all your shit delivered to you, and be social all the day through through the internet.

I know of agoraphobes, and even people with really bad social anxiety who have chosen that life style. Some even wanted help, and got better, there are treatements for it.

This doesn't seem the answer. And I say this not because I don't believe it is, but because the OP himself stated that he wants interraction, he wants to have hot meals, and play vidya, and communicate.

He's clearly intelligent enough to have a home job. So yea.
>> Baby Don't Yurt Me !FQ5As2D/.o 09/29/11(Thu)00:24 No.3821864
No, wait. Live another year like this, then write a fucking book. Think about it, a man who failed in modern society only to move into the wilderness and achieve a sense of belonging.

It will sell millions and you can buy all the car batteries you would ever need.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:24 No.3821870

or, I'm assuming that since your cave is a tourist spot, there is an in cave power source to run lights. No way to tap into that?
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:25 No.3821871
just to be sure, this is getting archived
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/29/11(Thu)00:25 No.3821873
>Coat the cave walls with bioluminescent fungi or bacteria. They'll need moisture so you should piss on the walls for light.

I think someone would notice if there was suddenly glowing bacteria on the cave walls. I don't even know where I'd get any.

Forgive the delayed replies, the connection drifts in and out. I've also been going back and forth between my cavern and the entrance so I can post and get warm, alternatingly. I really need some way to get reception in there.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:27 No.3821882
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:27 No.3821889
Putting your head up the the antenna amplifies the signal because of the shape of your skull.

Also my offer still stands OP, you could at least say no.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:27 No.3821891

Why did you abandon /r9k/, holetroll?

we miss you ;_;
>> IDontEven 09/29/11(Thu)00:28 No.3821893
I wonder if OP really enjoys his lifestyle. There are options for coming back "into" society without being homeless per se.

Also, why not consider treatment? You could work something out with your family to get you some therapy or similar without the interaction and stress and embarrassment.

If you're badass enough to live in isolation without any amenities you're badass enough to suck it up and get help and be happy and even contribute back to society.

Granted I have no idea how i would even consider being in your position, you should at least think about it, you're intelligent. Dont just disregard the thought of therapy.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:28 No.3821896
OP can you please reply to this >>3821861

And also, as others have already offered, you can make an email adress where we can get in touch with you, to ease your loneliness.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:28 No.3821897

This is actually a pretty good idea


>build a stirling engine
>a device requiring extremely fine tolerances and delicate tools
>in a cave
>from scraps

This is a bad idea and you should feel bad for posting it.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:29 No.3821898
Okay, something doesn't add up. In the original thread, you said that you accesed internet with a pay-as-you-go plan. But now you claim that you are on a family plan. Please explain this contradiction.

Couldn't your family just have the police track you down and bring you back? Assuming you are the real Hole Troll.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:29 No.3821899
omg hole troll im so glad you are okay! :D

you said you moved south 200 miles, are you still in pennsylvania?
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:30 No.3821905
Completely agree with this post.
There is effective treatment for social anxiety disorder, through cognitive behaviour therapy.
It's not a psychiatry disease (i.e. schizophrenia ). It's something treatable, and curable.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:31 No.3821910
This anon raises a good point.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:31 No.3821912

>This is a bad idea and you should feel bad for posting it.

the fuck you talk about fucker?

>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:32 No.3821916
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What if OP is the only sane one?
>> IDontEven 09/29/11(Thu)00:32 No.3821919
There is no easy obvious fix.
You would have to be extremely clever with the surroundings and OP only knows the subtleties.

tapping into some kind of power source in/ near the cave seems like the best bet.

Engineer a way to get lighting installed in the cave, and splice some salvaged wire from an unlucky car into the mains. Maybe swipe an electrical cord.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:34 No.3821925

Hmm that's not too bad. But I suspect there is very little torque put out by that thing, hence the flywheel. To power a dynamo you need an engine that can supply a fair bit of torque.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:35 No.3821929


also heres another one


study the principles of operation an scale it up maybe using a large tin coffee can

You can run it off a fire and they're pretty quiet
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:36 No.3821935

no if built right they provide a fair amount of torque
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:37 No.3821937

I agree that the cave is not ideal, especially because of the high concentration of people. OP *will* eventually get caught and I think he realizes the probability of that. Or worse: campers = hunters = guns and he's rustling around their sites at night, which sounds like a tragedy in the making.

Saw this thread linked on /r9k1/. I worked as a forest ranger in the Olympic National Park (across the bay from Seattle) for several years. Part of what I did was to try to catch people like OP. We would note smoke every day, naturally. When it was "persistent but controlled", that meant we had an overstay. That national park is huge, and awesomely overgrown, so only on one occasion did I actually find an "overstay". He was away from his camp when I got there. To my surprise, I still had trouble finding it. This guy clearly put a lot of time into this in camouflaging it and didn't seem to be making a mess of the place. I assumed that if I didn't report the fire, he wouldn't be found. So I didn't. No one else did either, though I don't know if that's because they didn't see it or like me didn't really want to bother him.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:37 No.3821939


This seems to be pretty good. It's just a coke can model with a few improvements.

Of course, you'll need to burn stuff to power it, which is a problem in itself.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:37 No.3821940

A couple of tips that might help anyone else in evading people:

1. There are a few different methods to dispersing smoke. Learn them. That's the #1 giveaway. Even more than trash or signs of habitation, rangers are actively LOOKING for smoke.

2. Coming from the midwest originally, I was shocked to discover that the gub'mint allows industry access to some areas of national parks. In Washington, naturally, it's logging. This says two things: these folks tend to bring a ton more crap than they could ever use with them; and that the lines on a map don't necessarily coincide with "wilderness".

3. I've recommended this before, but the best "survival manual" I've ever seen is something that a friend of mine's dad got in the Marines. Unlike hikers' manuals or what not, it presumes that the person reading it doesn't want to be found.

4. "Career" rangers are different but most of the guys I worked with really didn't fancy the thought of a shoot out with a crazy hermit or prison escapee. Most aren't that different than the people they're "hunting", or at least the noble ones. Unfortunately, that fucking Into The Wild book inspired thousands of kids to go out and be like Alexander Supertramp, man, and you have just a ton of kids showing up half starved with broken bones and whatever else because they came out unprepared. Or inadvertantly trashing areas where people from the university were trying to reintroduce certain plants and animals. Those people are fucking pests.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/29/11(Thu)00:39 No.3821949

>Why did you abandon /r9k/, holetroll?

I looked for it, it wasn't here. It's been a long time. Lots of stuff I remember isn't here anymore. I don't recognize any of the new memes. I don't know who bear grilis is. The ads are new. I did my best to reconnect with you guys despite being once again a stranger on this site.


>It's something treatable, and curable.

I tried this. They had this program at a university in the town I used to visit while I was living in the old hole. Students of psychology would practice on people who in exchange got the therapy for free. It helped me get over the self hatred as I said, but I still can't live the way I used to.

She said it's because I feel like if I have to struggle a little to survive, and I'm outdoors every day, I feel like I am accomplishing something. Whereas if I live isolated in comfort I feel like a child, like I am stagnating. But really I'm fooling myself, it's stagnation either way. She tried to pressure me into attending support groups. Then one time she surprised me, having a few other students join us. I wasn't ready for that. It was the party all over again. It was the last time I went there.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:42 No.3821961

The new memes are pretty terrible so I don't think you need to spend much effort familiarizing yourself with them.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:43 No.3821964
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>new memes

I'll bring you up to speed. For /sci/ at least.

* Biology is not a hard science.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:45 No.3821979
I'm currently a psychology student (if you didn't know, here on /sci/ and everywhere really psychology is shit tier science - if you can call it that) but I am very passionate about it.

I would research everything I can possibly find on social anxiety, isolationism, escapism and all that to help you out. We'd communicate through emails, so no fear of contact, or pressure of any kind.

Let me give it a shot. I believe the psychology student was an idiot, and quite frankly out of her depth.

I'm not an expert on anxiety, but I can "become one" if you'd let me give you a hand.
>> IDontEven 09/29/11(Thu)00:46 No.3821980
Well I think you know the problem right there.

having some second year psych student trying to cure you outright. Dont kid yourself. Really try.

I can assure you that dying alone with no real companionship or human touch is a much worse fate than having to see a counselor one on one who is actually a professional and acts on your terms with confidentiality.

I once had a nervous breakdown: I realized I was completely and utterly alone in a party of 50+ people and "friends" around. I called the one person I thought I could reach out to and she hung up on me.

You know what? shit gets better. But you have to make it better, and you have to want it. I dont mean to be preachy at all. I'm just trying to get you to realize you're missing out on so much of life, of love, of living.

Get out and get help on your own terms and at your own pace, and find yourself another Danielle.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:49 No.3821993
To those recommending therapy:

OP shouldn't do it. It never works. It's a waste of money and time.

OP's condition is clearly genetic in origin. No amount of talking on a sofa would change his situation, although lifelong medication probably could.

But OP is essentially doing the right thing for his situation. I commend him.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/29/11(Thu)00:51 No.3821998

>Okay, something doesn't add up. In the original thread, you said that you accesed internet with a pay-as-you-go plan. But now you claim that you are on a family plan. Please explain this contradiction.

I was, at that time, using a disposable cell phone. ("GoPhone"? Something along those lines) Clamshell packaging, comes with minutes, etc. This was a replacement for the phone I brought with me from the dorm, which had a screen that was pretty much destroyed when I fell on it.

I couldn't get online with the new cheapshit phone, which is why I had to go to McDonalds for the wifi.

The phone I use now was supplied in a care package. It's one of the more surprisingly expensive things anon has sent me. I didn't know if it worked this way but I tried sticking the sim card from the original phone into the care package phone. When I booted it up, it showed my carrier at the top, and I could place calls on it. I dunno if that's how it normally works or if it was a fluke, I thought an account was tied to a particular phone up to that point.

Now that I know this (if it's accurate) I would be willing to give someone the front office mailing address if they felt like sending me a newer smartphone I can browse the internet and use 3g/4g from. They use much less power than my netbook and I could run it much longer on the batteries.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:51 No.3821999
You're an uneducated imbecile, and should shut the fuck up in the future, on matters you clearly know nothing about.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:51 No.3822000
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>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:52 No.3822007
OP's biggest need is somehow securing his position so he doesn't need to worry about being forced to leave, and being able to supply physical needs better. This either means growing his own food, or getting some sort of income somehow - perhaps through occasional manual labour - I don't know exactly, so he can buy food and equipment. Living in a cave near a tourist site seems too risky. He needs more security.
>> IDontEven 09/29/11(Thu)00:53 No.3822010
you must be the failed psych student that tried to help him out.

It takes the right person. I can tell you that in my experience most psychologists are frauds that sit and collect a paycheck from you while pretending to talk.

The real ones set goals and work with you, even help prescribe medicine, if he manages to find a psychiatrist.

If he really does enjoy living in isolation, then so be it, he is already more of a man than I am, sometimes I wish I could get the fuck out of life and have noone need me or rely on me, but such is not the case.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:53 No.3822012
Have you considered buying a plot of land just to go and dig a hole in it? Maybe even have a house, but live in a hole in the back yard most of the time.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:54 No.3822015

> I dunno if that's how it normally works

Yes, that's normal. The account lives on the sim card. I've done that swap several times over the years.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:55 No.3822020
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Security you say?
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:56 No.3822029

If you do decide to give out the mailing address, think carefully about how you'd handle it. You don't want the arouse suspicions among the park rangers. I'm not saying not to do it, just think it through fully.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:57 No.3822033
Not the guy you replied to, but the psych student who offered to help if he wants it.

Yes. most shrinks are no better than homeopaths, and I think that says enough.

>If he really does enjoy living in isolation, then so be it, he is already more of a man than I am, sometimes I wish I could get the fuck out of life and have noone need me or rely on me, but such is not the case.

He doesn't enjoy his life. He made it clear, at least in my opinion, that he'd want much more. He'd want warm meals, decent living conditions, companionship and maybe even another Danielle.

He's also not "the man" for living the way he does, as he has no real choice. He's been pushed there by a mental breakdown, reinforced by the second one, perpetrated by that psychology student.

Bravery implies choice. He doesn't really have one, as amazing as his feats of survival are, and as tragic as his story is.
>> IDontEven 09/29/11(Thu)00:57 No.3822035
Are there any law students around? What would happen, say, if holetroll made his own house (earthen, w/e you want) in the wilderness, ie- not owned by anyone.

could he establish ownership by just being there long enough?

downside: no society and the stealing that comes with it.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:59 No.3822040
He could claim an island if it had guano on it.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:59 No.3822041
If someone wanted to get Hole Troll a smartphone, I have a Windows Phone 7, pretty simple smartphone, granted not that good on occassion, it is selling for ~$50 at AT&T stores now.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)00:59 No.3822042
If he is in the right state he could get married and that would grant him the land.
>> IDontEven 09/29/11(Thu)01:01 No.3822047
I argue that everyone has a choice. It is implicit. Whether or not the consequences of such choices are bearable, does not make it an ultimatum at any rate. The benefits of being a cognizant being....
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:03 No.3822052
you still around, hole troll?

are you still in pennsylvania? is my question
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:04 No.3822054
holy shit dude
i'd read the shit out of that
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:06 No.3822063
I won't derail HoleTroll's thread with a debate. But let me give you an example of why not everybody has a choice:

Say you raise a child, or even abduct someone, and make them live in pain and anguish. A few years later, they won't know the difference anymore. Their self defense mechanisms will adapt to protect the mind from utterly breaking ( even though many people will argue that it has been broken by the abuse)
Now after those years of indoctrination, make the person choose freedom over slavery. They won't. They can't. They don't even know what they were before, or what freedom is.

To have a choice, you have to be on a plateau whereas you can see the actual choices, and feel yourself emotionally capable of doing them. I could also argue that you theoretically have the choice to live or die, right now, through suicide. But really... you don't.

Same goes for disorders, and anxieties. You can want something, but your chemistry and psychology aren't capable of achieving that goal without help. The choice, in these situations is whether you accept help or not.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:09 No.3822074
/k/ in my /sci/

Survivalism goes to /k/. If you really want to live, ditch the laptop. By staying in touch with 4chan, you're not solving your problem. You're only self-medicating. You've essentially run away from your problem while indulging it at the same time. You live in a hole because you don't want to face your problem. Running away and convincing yourself it's what you deserve is much less painful to your mind than confronting the issue.

Really, you need professional help. Going with your feelings and instincts has lead you to this point. Living in a hole and browsing 4chan. So try to go against your feelings. Little by little. Do the opposite of what your gut says. Find the courage to return to your family, admit you have a problem (not them or society) and get help.

You seriously have no chance at life if you think you can live in a hole for the rest of it. You'll be dead or in jail much sooner. You think a dorm is bad? In jail you are forced to be around people at gunpoint.

I'm only saying this because part of me wants to believe this shit is true and that same part wants to help you.
>> IDontEven 09/29/11(Thu)01:10 No.3822076
>I won't derail HoleTroll's thread with a debate
agreed. I'll let you have the last word :)

HoleTroll, would you consider letting one of us drop food or other supplies to you, and how would you let us do it without compromising your position? idk how.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:10 No.3822080
>No biggie, I've had to do much worse.
worse than pulling a cavitied tooth?
jesus christ

i'll keep you in mind, hole troll, when this treatment comes out

it basically replaces the plaque-causing bacteria in your mouth with a version that only releases mild antibiotics and no acids. never brush again

it's still stuck in FDA trials but it'll probably be available commercially within a few years
>> savetheinternet 09/29/11(Thu)01:11 No.3822084
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some home, sweet prince
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:12 No.3822087
>Survivalism goes to /k/
Isn't /k/ all about guns? I doubt there are any real survivalists there.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:12 No.3822088
why dont you try to get building materials together, so you could build a shelter and abandon the cave? then you could plant everything you want, and use a solar panel for producing electricity. i dont know how difficult this would be, but i think this is possible.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:16 No.3822104
a shelter wouldn't last, or protect him through severe weather

also if it's in a park, the rangers will tear it down like he said about that one he found
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:16 No.3822106
>camping stove
i have an old one lying around here somewhere, i never use it

do you have some kind of designated care package drop off?
i just feel like giving you things for some reason, it's weird
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:17 No.3822112
a blog would be great, but you'd have to be careful about getting it traced back

someone could set up a relay server for you, you make posts from your phone and their desktop acts as a pass through to post them. a proxy as it were
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:19 No.3822119
well then back to holes, am i rite? it just has to be covered by leaves or something, so the ranger wont see it.
>> sage sage 09/29/11(Thu)01:19 No.3822120
>live in hole for years being resourceful and crafty at the expense of comfort and other things
>get torn apart by hungry bears randomly

I would derive pleasure from this

also, 5/10 for OP.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:20 No.3822125
>I buried him with a granola bar so he has something to eat on the other side.

>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:22 No.3822131
This. /k/ style survivalism is all about planning for the collapse of society from the comfort of a swivel chair.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:23 No.3822137
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come home, lost brethren
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:26 No.3822144
OP's choice of living in complete isolation is essentially tantamount to giving up on life. Instead of facing his problems, he's escaping from them. He's no man in any sense of the word, just a coward who's afraid of reality.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:26 No.3822145

Whether they admit it or not lots of /k/ also brows operatorchan.org. Which has an entire board dedicated to survival. I'd point OP there because they'd be a lot more helpful there. Shit, most of them redneck fucks live in holes for fun on the weekends and shit.

I'm sad that /sci/ isn't providing more psychological advice.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:28 No.3822151
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>I'm sad that /sci/ isn't providing more psychological advice.

>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:29 No.3822156
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weird, my post got eatted

> I would be willing to give someone the front office mailing address if they felt like sending me a newer smartphone I can browse the internet and use 3g/4g from.

my droid x expires next march, and i'm getting a job next summer so i'll be able to upgrade
i was considering ebaying the old droid x but it's probably not going to be worth it at that point. if you had a blog and contact address and i remembered this next summer, i could definitely arrange a drop off

also, for solar power? have you considered disguising your solar array as something official looking? like a seismic monitoring station? (pic related). or possibly one of those CO2/temperature monitor stations. put some official looking stickers on there with fine print and errythang. also look up what the proper instruments look like and make fake plastic ones. really dress it up

also bury the cord if you can, and rig it so the cord cuts itself if someone tries to yank on it, making it (mostly) untraceable

you could jack the panel off an RV if you're stealthy enough, and the rest is just parts and stuff. probably shoplift from lowes and stick together with glue
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/29/11(Thu)01:32 No.3822166

I would greatly appreciate the supplies but the last time I provided anon with a dropoff point I wound up being evicted. I am not someone who handles unexpected changes to their life very well. I don't want to go through that again.

I will keep thinking about it. If I can get a bicycle I could set up a PO Box in town. It's too far to walk and there aren't any bus stations for miles. I'm pretty fit from living off berries and energy bars and shit while hiking multiple miles each day, biking a long distance would not be troublesome. I guess it will depend mainly on whether or not some of the suggestions made so far work out, or if I decide I really need handouts after all.

The only thing is, a bike is a bit much to take. Lifting packaged foods from campsites is one thing, a bike is expensive, and someone might be relying on it for transport.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:33 No.3822174
are you still in pennsylvania?
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:34 No.3822177
i don't think he's even going to give up his time zone

and i have a terrible feeling this is the last i will ever hear of this person. he might keep on posting but i'll probably be so few and far between that i'll never catch it

feels really bad man
>> Marion Bartoli is my Waifu 09/29/11(Thu)01:34 No.3822178
The dude is living in a cave. He doesn't have a bunch of blank stickers, a color printer, and plastic sheeting laying around.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:34 No.3822179

Do you have access to any money at all? It might be possible to buy a bike from a thrift shop pretty cheaply. Also a PO box costs money.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:34 No.3822182

OP where do you get your drugs? If I were to do this I'd need a variety of drugs every day for medical reasons.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:36 No.3822188
>have you considered disguising your solar array as something official looking?
A ranger or a curious park visitor might notice and report it.

>also bury the cord if you can, and rig it so the cord cuts itself if someone tries to yank on it, making it (mostly) untraceable
It's extremely easy to trace. If the cord suddenly feels easy to pull, you'll know that it's separated from something. Also, it's easier to pull a buried cord in an upward direction, which defeats the self-cutting mechanism because only a small fraction of the cord experiences a pulling force at any given moment.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:38 No.3822191
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I'm off to bed, Hole Troll, I wish you luck in all your adventures and hope you may someday find the peace you're looking for in a way that doesn't involve you dying, because you're awesome, I do hope you stop by r9k1 sometime or that some of the other brobots keep me updated on anything you post. Sleep well Hole Troll.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:38 No.3822193
Honestly while I'd love to believe this would work out, I don't think you should even risk a PO box, holetroll.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:39 No.3822198
How is Hole Troll able to post all day? Won't the batteries on his laptop/smartphone have run out of juice by now? Also, don't parks have spotty cellular reception or none at all?
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:40 No.3822201
just shut the fuck up already and stop trying to sniff him out
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/29/11(Thu)01:41 No.3822203

>Do you have access to any money at all?

I have some. When in normal camper clothes I've been able to convince other campers I was in some kind of jam and needed a particular item, and would trade something for it. On occasion this has meant selling stuff. The cash isn't for every day use as I can only rarely find someone interested in buying anything from a stranger they met at a campsite, rather it's for those occasions when I absolutely need to buy something and cannot find it locally.

I have gotten some pretty cool stuff through trades. If only I could wander around more often without the risk of the camp management people recognizing me and wondering why I'm always around I could get the kind of things I otherwise cannot, maybe even the stuff for building the devices mentioned in this thread.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:41 No.3822206
Clearly, you should not do this.

You can have things sent to the local post office care of general mail, and it would be there waiting for you, don't need to open up a PO box or anything.

Please create a new throwaway email (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, hushmail, etc) and give that in your next post. I would certainly welcome a chance to message you with a bit more anonymity, and find out where I can send things you can use. Oh, and give 4chon a chance.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:42 No.3822209
How is Hole Troll able to cover his tracks? A hunter/tracker will notice non-human spoors very easily.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:43 No.3822212
the thread was successfully archived by the way
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:43 No.3822215
you don't really need a P.O box
some sufficiently excluded drop off point would work too, and it'd be easy to spot people tailing you
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:44 No.3822217
>Please create a new throwaway email (gmail, yahoo, hotmail, hushmail, etc) and give that in your next post.
He needs to use a proxy because his IP could easily be revealed when he reads an email.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:45 No.3822218
it's tracks leading into and out of a tourist-heavy cave
they wouldn't care
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:48 No.3822230
But they can tell which tracks are fresh and which aren't. OP is very vulnerable to discovery when he ventures out during times when there are no or few tourists visiting his area. Also, OP likely has to stay away from common trails to prevent discovery, but walking away from trails will also leave tracks.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)01:50 No.3822234
OP make sure that your spot won't get flooded when the rain comes, it sounds to me like it would be real easy to get stuck in there if you can plug the entrance with your backpack.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/29/11(Thu)01:58 No.3822260

>How is Hole Troll able to post all day?

I don't exactly have a full schedule.

>Won't the batteries on his laptop/smartphone have run out of juice by now?

I get power from 28 batteries I have collected. 15 of them are small motorcycle size ignition batteries, the rest are car sized. The small ones are light enough to carry around for every day use, I have an inverter that clips onto the terminals. That's what I use to keep my phone going, as I need the GPS feature to find my cave after foraging. It's also what I use while foraging in the winter to power a 12 volt heated motorcycle jacket I got in a trade.

>Also, don't parks have spotty cellular reception or none at all?

This may be why I am limited to 2G. I don't know if it's the phone, or just that the only towers nearby are 2G. That's part of why I want a newer phone to try. That, and this one isn't designed to browse the internet, although it has a few meager "connectivity features" like AIM, stocks, sports scores and shit.
>> ANON69 09/29/11(Thu)02:00 No.3822266
OP, if i could fly you to California and pay for your one on one therapy would you be willing to take the flight?, i'd provide you with food and my house.
>> ANON69 09/29/11(Thu)02:01 No.3822272
agreed with this anon, been there with an idiot as well. think about my offer or his
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:01 No.3822274
>I don't know if it's the phone, or just that the only towers nearby are 2G
might be worth finding a park person who has a newer phone, asking to see their phone, and looking for the 3g mark in the upper right, if it's not there that means there's no reception
>> ANON69 09/29/11(Thu)02:02 No.3822279
dude can you make a a zip and share it later? or tomorrow?
>> ANON69 09/29/11(Thu)02:03 No.3822280
troll detected
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:04 No.3822284
You could try getting somewhere like oregon that's still mostly densely wooded and mountainous outside of the I-5 column where all the cities are.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:05 No.3822287
not a bad idea
but again, winters
>> ANON69 09/29/11(Thu)02:05 No.3822288
about psychiatrists, i dont believe in medicine. OP, do you meditate? i could send you some shit, if i had my iphone still i'd send it to you, shit got stolen last week
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:06 No.3822290
>far underground
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:07 No.3822296
i still think OP should try to make some kind of difficult to trace or inconspicuous solar panel deal

the earlier suggestion of getting lights in the cave might work too
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:16 No.3822322

>When in normal camper clothes I've been able to convince other campers I was in some kind of jam and needed a particular item, and would trade something for it

That's quite a feat, I mean that totally seriously. Seems like you're more comfortable at social interactions now than you used to be.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:18 No.3822330
OP, I could send you some money if you have a PO box, paypal account, or wellsfargo account.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:23 No.3822346
maybe a hand crank charger would suffice?
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/29/11(Thu)02:27 No.3822361
Maybe. That was never the problem though. I could always deal with people for a few minutes at a time, it's when I am trapped with them for longer than that where it becomes a problem. I handled classes by closing my eyes and listening. I had a little video recorder to capture the lecture and watch it later in my dorm.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:34 No.3822388

HoleTroll, could you take a pic of your living arrangement? I know you are worried about someone identifying your location, but I doubt anyone is going to recognize the interior of an small offshoot passage of a little known cave.
>> Hole Troll !!R/JShxi9VtN 09/29/11(Thu)02:37 No.3822406

It does seem harmless, but so did the other pics, yet someone was able to look at the fucking trees and figure out which part of the US I was in. Very sharp. Forgive me for being cautious. Once I give it more thought and figure out what needs to be out of frame to avoid providing clues I would consider posting pics.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:37 No.3822408
op, would you seriously consider writing a book about your experiences?
that would be awesome
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:47 No.3822459
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>This book. It was in one of the care packages. It's a bizarre story, but I like to imagine it's true, as it makes me feel better about living in these caves. Like it's someplace mystical and interesting.

>Google the book title

>It's about a vast underground kingdom of independently evolved godlike humans preparing to invade the surface


Your path is clear, OP. Go further underground. Create a kingdom. Kidnap some women and lure other hobos down there. Gradually your people will evolve into demigods and one day rise to claim the world of sunlight. GO FORTH AND CLAIM YOUR DESTINY
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)02:58 No.3822504
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>Gradually your people will evolve into demigods and one day rise to claim the world of sunlight.

A thousand years later...
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)03:15 No.3822581
This thread is fuckwin. Godspeed OP.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)03:24 No.3822620

>I crave company but can't stand human contact.


I know that feel
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)03:41 No.3822682
HoleTroll, we miss you. Come back to us.

Sincerely, r9k

(just google r9k and you'll find us)
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)03:52 No.3822712
>I crave company but can't stand human contact

Just remember that all humans have the same weaknesses as you (mentally).

Also remember that there isn't you and "everyone else". i.e. everyone else isn't in one big team out to get you. We are all scattered around trying to get by like you.

Anyway I hope you come back to society because to be with your own kind is actually alot of fun, if you find the right people.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)08:24 No.3823239
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Someone should send OP 25kg's of chia seeds.
They'd last him for ages.
Aztecs used them as their sole food supply on hunting trips or during days on the farm.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)10:59 No.3823642
Would it be possible to set up a PO box on the otherwise of the country and have it forward to a box closer to home?
Im not sure if it would work, and it might cost allot, but you could receive care packages.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)12:14 No.3823812
come back to us hole troll~
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:39 No.3824318
Hole Troll, you really need to start a blog or something. I'd totally follow it. Do you still use [email protected] as your email, or do you have a new address?
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)14:45 No.3824338
Off the top of my head OP, I'd say use a stepper motor to allow you to generate your own electricity. Kind of like a hand crank flashlight. Give me an email at which to contact you OP. I'll do some more research, and I'll get back to you.

BTW, I remember you from when you first posted. You're awesome, and fuck that guy who reported you.
>> KC (from 4chon) 09/29/11(Thu)15:24 No.3824519
Holefriend, please come back to /r9k/. After moot's deletion of it, we've all found refuge at a new site. (See: >>3822137 )

You would be celebrated and remembered. We miss you, bro. The community is much smaller and more personable. Tight-knit, almost.

I hope to see you there soon.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:31 No.3824548
posting in a hole troll thread.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)15:41 No.3824580
Yeah seriously fuck that guy. Hes a fucking pariah even on 4chan, and if anyone here knew who he was hed probably end up on the sex register and living under a bridge himself.
>> Anonymous 09/29/11(Thu)16:04 No.3824662
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Hey OP this cave near where live was inhabited by an old dude for 20 years between the wars.

I've spent a few nights there myself, pretty sweet, it's in the lake district.


by Cioden | 2011-09-29 23:24:21 UTC

Here's the original thread about his hole.


by anonymous | 2011-09-30 16:26:28 UTC

I want to meet this guy. Too bad I live across the country.

by Iceman | 2011-10-27 15:38:45 UTC

/r9k/ has returned. You should go back to it.

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